Monday, August 20, 2018


Sometimes life just stinks. Sometimes things happen at the worst possible time and all you can do is laugh at how ironic life is. On Friday I went hot tubbing with my roommate and our friend and I must have stayed in too long because when I got out I passed out, which resulted in me injuring my left side pretty badly. I thought I cracked a rib but since it's feeling better I don't think it's cracked. All weekend as I was telling different people the story I kept saying "I'm just so grateful it wasn't my leg or ankle since I'm going to ecuador in 3 weeks!" Well, what do you know. The Lord sure has a funny sense of humor. Missy and I went to Steven and Debi's for dinner yesterday and as we were leaving I went to walk across their lawn and I stepped in a hole and hyperextended my knee pretty badly. All I could do was laugh because I literally had just finished telling them how grateful I was that I hadn't injured my leg or ankle on Friday when I passed out. The timing was just hilarious.

I thought I had torn my ACL or dislocated my knee but I'm pretty sure it's just hyperextended. I'm hoping for a miracle and that I will be able to walk on it by the time I go to ecuador. I got a blessing from a couple of the boys next door and in the blessing I was promised that the injury would heal completely, although the length of recovery is unknown and would happen in the Lord's timing. I was told I just have to have faith. I can do that. Honestly, when I first heard the blessing I was convinced I wasn't gong to Ecuador anymore. That's what it sounded like! I know that the Lord knows me and my situation and that things will turn out they need to. I have faith that if it's the right thing, the Lord can perform a miracle and heal my knee before I go to Ecuador. But if not, I will still trust in Him and his promises. I was also told in my blessing that I need to pray to find out other ways I can use my body to serve others.

What I have learned this weekend is that sometimes life stinks. But in the midst of it all, we have a loving Heavenly Father and brother Jesus Christ who sees us through all our disappointments. They love us so much and will support us in times of trial.

Pregnancy week 14

I am 14 weeks today! This pregnancy is flying by. I'm officially in my second trimester. I wish I had more of a baby bump but I still just look bloated. School starts tomorrow and I am so excited! Today Heidi and I played "I am a child of god" in sacrament meeting and it was so beautiful! I want to get my violin out again to play. She played the violin and I played the piano. I want to get a piano and make the downstairs extra room we have into a piano room. I forget how much I love making music until I actually make it.

Related to pregnancy, I have been feeling so good this week that I decided to not take my medicine thursday night and friday morning as an experiment. Not a good idea. I went to work feeling nauseated and on my way back from meeting with Maribel in Provo I was just about back to PG and I started throwing up. I had to pull over and the only thing I had to throw up in was the grocery bag I brought that had my lunch in it. There were holes in it :( So it got all over my pants and the passenger seat. So gross. I came home and ate a banana, only to violently throw it up. I took it yesterday morning and left to go practice the piano at the church. Luckily I was the only one there. I started feeling sick so I left to find the bathroom. I almost didn't make it as I started heaving before I got there. Luckily I made it.